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Social Media Monitoring

Established brands rely on social media for customer engagement. As a result, social media monitoring is an important source to get customers' feedback. Although management tools are available for most major social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, corporates also target customer support centre, with big screen showing statistics. What is the different between management tools and data centre? Big screen vs. small screen. Different visual representation is considered, such as usage of animation to alert viewers for important message, and smart usage of colour contrast to highlight user data.


During my employment at Vocanic, I was actively involved in developing social media mission control for branded customers like StarHub. Social Hub was widely used as network monitoring tool by incoming volume and location of social posts on social media. It was reported on Strait Times on 27 Jan 2014.

" As some posts have location tags of the mobile phone user, StarHub will be able to track where in Singapore mobile, pay-TV and broadband connections are affected... The move into analytics will in turn help StarHub push the envelope in its traditional telecommunication and media business.

For instance, Social Hub will channel viewer feedback from social media into live TV production. A football commentator will be able to pick up on social media chats and work them into his live commentary."


- "StarHub launches social media monitoring facility Social Hub", Straits Times, JAN 27, 2014, 4:15 PM SGT

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