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The "Butler" Concept

Is smartphone technology bringing our lives forward or backward? In my opinion, it is definitely bringing us to a new level of experience. Some said smartphones are separating us, I think we are connected in a new way. The idea of "The Butler" is to enhance our quality of life with smartphone technology and integration of data analysis from different aspects. It is just like a personal butler, or Alfred in Batman series, who always has an answer to your needs and questions. It provides you with different options when you are on your way from work to home. You can ask "the Butler" what to have for dinner, whether you should reply emails on your way back, what is happening around the world or which long-lost friend you should meet up. The project will be a multi-displinary data processing and analysis, machine learning platform, integrated with different data sources like weather, social media and transportation.

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The idea was awarded "Market Potential Award" at Smart Mobility Hackathon organized by BMW Singapore, October 2016

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