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Human Mobility Research

We travel everyday in different ways, for different purposes. It is interesting to know how people travel. However, a good set of travel data can be hard to collect. Survey is one of the common ways to collect people's feedback and it can be very long if we want to collect details from people. The survey interface has to be engaging so that participants are aware of what they answer and respond as accurate as possible. At the same time, the survey data should be structured in a way that is optimized for data modeling.

Context-based, Web-based Stated Preference Survey Application

Back to my days when I worked for SMART, I designed and developed the web-based survey application (the right screenshot) to collect the stated preference (the system in red box) data. It consists of integrating the web interface with the data model which provides the experimental design and alternatives. The survey application was used in "Tripod: Sustainable Travel Incentives with Prediction, Optimization and Personalization" research project in Boston area.

Survey UI of AMOD

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